
作者: 此天非彼涯
  When I was seven, I wanted to become a scientist because I liked to experience things, and create things. At that time, my ambitious mother made me take tons of extra curriculars: piano, violin,pipa, singing,dancing, swimming, figure skating, kung-fu, art, English, French, Science… I can still clearly remember how these classes tortured me, except art class and science class. However, those classes are only meant to make me more versatile for the purpose of a “my kid is the most talented", and for a boost for my parents. “None of those should be taken serious in your further career . When you grow up, you should focus on your math, languages and science”, they said to me. After watching a children’s science program on TV, I wanted to become a scientist. No more poem reciting, or dictations, but only interesting experiments, I thought. I was young and naive. I believed that I could even invent the fountain of Youth. When adults jokingly asked me what I want to do in the future, that was my answer, polished but naive.

  Soon, when I entered the middle school, I learnt that how complex theories and equations in science class were, and that I was not the most gifted student in this subject. I realized that I was only interested in the creative parts. I quickly switched my answer.
  At the age of 12, the concept of money was implanted in me. I wanted to become an economist. People around me, especially my parents, were all emphasizing the importance of the economy. They told me that I should pursue a job that can make lots of money. Each toy, each ice-cream, each pretty dress was replaced with price tags. I would always cast my first sight on the price tag instead of the goods itself. I also recalled that I had rolled on the ground to cry for what I want. But this couldn`t be a long-term plan. All these made me realize that I wouldn`t survive without money. "Study dentistry or law. If you want something easier, economics is a good option too.”

  Those were the choices my mother offered me. That leads me to choose to be an economist, since the lazy me always wanted to take the easiest way out. It is worth mentioning that my hobby is still art, although I stopped taking art class for a long time. My course choice inclines to the business side, and so does my provisional future. When friends asked me what I wanted to do, that was my answer, a mediocre answer that’s realizable, but quite boring. However, I thought it boring after a number of classes filled with calculation, paperwork, no creativity needed. Boredom would devour me, bits by bits. I was going to merely be a malfunctioning robot in school. When I retook the art class in the high school and then I realized that it was the only course I enjoyed. I decided to change my answer again.

  I want to be an artist. Yes, art, the subject “that shouldn’t be taken serious as a future career”. I knew this thought has always been lying there, deep down inside my mind. This choice is definitely a tough one: it means confrontation with my mother.
  “Art doesn`t make money. I won’t help you if you end up sleeping on the streets while doing art!”
  She said.
  “I saw a guy selling canvases of art on the street today. No one buys it.”
  “It is because I care about your future that I say this to you. Your teachers, you friends, they don’t care, so they say do whatever you like. They won’t be responsible.”
  I clearly knew that she spoke the truth. My mother was the absolute signpost for me. She was the god of my world, the creator and the leader. It was after many years that I began to suspect her words: she cannot be totally right. So I argued back, eventually convincing her and convincing myself: I am ready to risk it. I do not want a boring, meaningless life doing things I dislike. I wish for creative work and challenges. Even if I do end up on the streets, I am ready to take that responsibility for the consequences of my decision. I firmly state these to my mom. Having arguing over and over again, she seemed to give up on her stand finally“Do whatever you want.”

  She said, with an indifferent expression. I still thanked her a lot, because if it wasn`t for her, I wouldn’t be so determined with my answer after all the arguments.
  I believe that a strong passion won’t be influenced despite many temptations and factors in life. Follow the passion and success will come along. If one day when I feel tired and I have had enough of this, I wish I could remember my simple and pure enthusiasm from the very beginning.
  When I ask myself what I want to do in the future, that is my answer, a risky but firm answer.
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