
作者: 精品银圆专卖
  日期:2018-08-01 12:54:06
  日期:2018-08-01 12:56:40
  日期:2018-08-01 12:57:53

  日期:2018-08-01 20:53:06
  Reported UFO sightings by residents of Dulce, headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in Northern New Mexico, have attracted media attention recently. Following multiple claims of UFO sightings in Dulce and stories about a massive underground joint government-alien research base in the area, many conspiracy theorists have argued that focus on Roswell, also in New Mexico, is misplaced.

  Residents of the town have claimed multiple UFO sightings believed to be linked to an alleged top-secret underground alien base located under the Archuleta Mesa (Mt. Archuleta) near the town.
  Despite an alien conspiracy theory tradition spanning four decades, the fame of Roswell — the site of an alleged UFO crash near a ranch in 1947 — has overshadowed Dulce.
  Since the alleged UFO crash incident in 1947, hundreds of residents of Roswell have claimed UFO sightings and the town has nurtured a thriving tourism industry with a museum and an annual festival dedicated to UFOs and aliens.
  A bewilderingly complex body of conspiracy theory folklore has developed in connection with the alleged sightings.
  Linked closely with Roswell in the body of legends surrounding the circumstances of the alleged UFO crash in 1947 is Area 51, a remote detachment of the Edwards Air Force Base in Nevada.
  UFO hunters believe that alien technology recovered from the Roswell crash site is being stored at Area 51 and that government scientists have been busy working to reverse-engineer exotic propulsion technology recovered from Roswell.
  However, there is a hardcore group of UFO and alien enthusiasts who believe that Dulce and not Area 51 is the location of the U.S. government’s major top-secret alien technology research facility.

  Mt. Archuleta, near the town of Dulce, close to the Colorado-New Mexico border, is the “real Area 51,”
  being the site of the largest single Reptilian and Grey alien base in the world, according to conspiracy theorists.
  And apparently, supporting these claims are reports of UFO sightings by residents of Dulce, a small town with a population of about 2,600.
  Residents claim to have photographed UFOs hovering and flying over the town. There have also been reports of black military helicopters linked with UFO sightings. The mysterious helicopters with roving bright lights reportedly hover in the night sky over the mountain plateau.
  Geraldine Julian, 78, resident of Dulce, claimed multiple UFO sightings and encounters over more than five decades, according to the Sante Fe New Mexican. Julian claims to have seen “a large spaceship”
  hovering over a property she owns outside the town.
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